Color Space Charts

A) RGB Triangle Charts

ADDITIVE MIXING cumulative 100% SUBTRACTIVE MIXING 3color print
fixed light intensity cumulative 50% fixed light intensity color blend

B) HSV Hexagon Charts

S=0...1; V=1 S=0...1; V=0...1

C) HSL Hexagon Charts

S=0...1; L=0.25 S=1; L=0...1 S=1; L=1...0.2 S=0...1; L=0...1
S=0...1; L=0.5 S=0.5; L=0...1 S=0.5; L=1...0.2 S=1...0; L=0...1
S=0...1; L=0.75 S=0.25; L=0...1 S=0.25; L=1...0.2 S=0...1; L=1...0.2
xChem S=0; L=0...1 S=0; L=1...0.2 S=1...0; L=1...0.2

D) Interactive Cube Slices

Cut the Color Cube


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© Wolfgang Schäfer, Seoul / Korea and Hölstein / Switzerland, 2005-2007; last update: 27th October 2007